Making a cross-border network for the preservation and popularization of archaeological heritage
The strategic focuses of this AP are:
1) developing cross-border cooperation for preservation of archaeological heritage;
2) popularizing archaeological heritage “as a whole”. Within this package the “availability” and “visibility” of archaeology to the publicity will be increased. Information about archaeology and the need to protect archaeological heritage will be disseminated in the society, especially in schools and municipalities; measures will be taken to hinder illegal treasure hunting. Archaeology will be popularized also by publishing manuscripts of archaeological monographs, by issuing annual popular archaeology web journal, by making 2 popular films on the topic, by organizing practical seminars for municipalities and publicity.
For developing international cooperation and granting its sustainability a new institution/network „Cross-border Archaeological Heritage Protection Network“ will be created (with centre in Pskov). Within its frameworks 6 new tourist routes (partly cross-border) will be elaborated.
In all 90 archaeological information days and seminars will be organized for municipalities, teachers and publicity (each country 10 events per year). In all, 5 manuscripts on archaeology (Est: 3; Lat: 2) will be published + annual web journal and related web forum to popularize archaeology (Est) will appear. 3 films to popularize archaeology will be made, 2 students’ international 2-day seminars will be held (Tartu, Pskov) + some other students’ activities. Mobile exposition to popularize archaeology will be made by Pskov partners.
Practical seminars of archaeological reconstructions and Iron Age life at Rõuge hill fort (Est; 8 groups x 10 persons) will take place. New exposition about finds from Aluksne district will be prepared in Aluksne Museum. The project ends with a 4-day closing conference in Pskov (80 participants). As a project result, 20 brochures (partners 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9; one per year = 6 x 1 x 3; + 2 from Partner 3) on archaeological heritage will be published. Visibility activities include also 81 informative and popularizing materials on archaeology topics: posters, leaflets, handouts etc. (involved all partners, except for No. 3) from each partner per year.
The project creates new cross-border contacts in a network that involves in its activities ca. 80 persons (Est: 40; Lat: 20 Rus: 20) and 12 institutions. Making the Network as an institution opens the way for getting financial support for further development of its centre from the Pskov Government budget. Within the project 18 people, mostly young archaeologists get (half- or full-time) team-member employment: 8 in Pskov; 6 in Tartu, 4 in Riga. In case of successful activities there is hope to make these jobs permanent later.
Long-term impact:
The ”Network” lays foundations for long-term cooperation between the project partners and creates preconditions for new joint projects. It contributes to heritage protection in the whole project area. Making the Network is an element of a much broader process: developing cross-border contacts and, through them, ensuring good cross-border relations in the region.
As a result of popularization activities the awareness of people about archaeological heritage considerably advances. “Visibility” of archaeology increases interest towards it and raises its “ranking”. In-long-term perspective, active popularization might cause also changes in municipality and higher state authorities’ attitudes towards archaeology. Such changes may probably cause a higher level of state-budgeting for archaeology and for the protection of archaeological heritage.