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On the 19th of September within the framework of the international project «Archaeology, authority, community: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage» project partners from Estonia, Latvia and Russia took part in joint field inventory in Aluksne region. It was continuation of the joint field inventory of archaeological monuments in Pskov and Izborsk regions along the medieval route Pskov – Izborsk – Alūksne that started on 16th of September.
Inventories started with visiting Klementīnes, Staburovas and Fiku ancient cemeteries in Pededze parish, after that all partners visited Garjuru ancient cemetry in Jaunalūksnes parish, Spieķu cemetery in Ziemeru parish and Nametkalna and Siseņu hill forts.
Thanks to young Estonian archaeologists in one of the recent digging pits some ceramic fragments were found that give new information about chronology of the Siseņu hill fort. Experience exchange in such inventories is useful and helps to specify the character and chronology of the monuments.
In the evening partners met in Aluksne museum to discuss progress of the project and to specify the time plan of the project for remaining project period. Each partner reported about activities that are left to do and told the time of their planed implementation.
On the 20th of September a small-scale press conference with local press participation took place.
Partners gave an account of activities that they already have done in seventeen months. They also shared positive experiences that were gained during cooperation, like finding monuments that were in archive documents but not located in the landscape. Presentations were illustrated with photos were taken during joint field inventories, excavations and information events for local people.
The archaeology database was presented by Kaarel Sikk. The visualisation in different maps of the data from Excel files is prepared and there are possibilities to find information about the monuments by selecting period or monument type. At this moment access to the data base is limited only to the project partners but after all data will be collected it will be available also for researchers and specialists of local municipalities.
After presentations journalists had time to ask questions and partners return to the discussion about issues linked with the project implementation.
Project is carried out with the financial aid of “Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation Programme within European Neighborhood and Partnership instrument 2007-2013”
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